National Association of Postal Supervisors
Branch #463 - Southern Nevada
This organization, by virtue of a Charter granted by the National Association of Postal Supervisors, shall be known as the Southern Nevada Branch #463, National Association of Postal Supervisors.
This organization, by virtue of a Charter granted by the National Association of Postal Supervisors, shall be known as the Southern Nevada Branch #463, National Association of Postal Supervisors.
The object of this Association shall be to improve the health and welfare of its members; to establish uniform and equitable compensation; to widen the field of opportunity for its members who make the business of the Postal Service their life work, and to promote legislation that will benefit the membership. This Association shall cooperate with the Postal Service to raise the standard of efficiency; to improve the Postal Service; to inaugurate and implement modern and economical business methods.
Section 1. All classified employees entitled to membership in the National Association of Postal Supervisors who are employed in any office within the boundaries of the Southern Nevada Branch #463 are entitled to membership in this branch.
Section 2. Candidates for membership must be proposed in writing and signed by the applicant.
Section 3. Branch #463 shall have three classes of members as defined by the Constitution of the National Association of Postal Supervisors. These classes of members shall be (1) active, (2) associate and (3) honorary.
Section 3a. Active members; All Supervisory/Managerial and Postmaster personnel who are not subject to collective bargaining agreements under Chapter 12 of Title 39, US Code and are employed in Southern Nevada Offices.
Section 3b. Associate members; Former members of this Association who were in good standing at the time of retirement may be associate members.
Section 3c. Honorary members; Retired active members may become an honorary member by approval of the executive board and the members. Honorary members will not be required to pay dues and except for attending meetings, shall not be eligible for any of the benefits.
Twelve members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
The Fiscal year of this Branch shall begin with the first day of January.
Section 1. Membership dues shall be $260.00 per year. Associate member dues shall be $130.00 per year. $18.00 is to be applied to the legal fund in accordance with Article VII Section 2. Dues are payable in advance in full on the first day of the calendar year, semi-annually on the first day of January and the first day of July, or by authorizing the withholding of dues from salary once each pay period. A member shall become delinquent and shall be suspended from membership if dues are unpaid at the end of the three months. (Any exceptions will be voted on by the executive board.) A delinquent member shall have no voice or vote at the meetings.
Section 2. A suspended member may be reinstated to good standing by payment of three months past dues and current dues.
Section 3. Honorary members shall not be required to pay dues.
Section 4. Newly promoted supervisors will be in good standing at the date of signed form 1187.
Section 5. All elected and appointed executive board members shall pay $260.00 per year.
Section 1. The Treasurer shall pay per capita taxes to the National Association of Postal Supervisors, NAPS.
Section 2. The Legal Fund shall consist of $18.00 per member per annum from the dues until such time as the Legal Fund reaches a maximum of $30,000.00. Once the Legal Fund reaches the maximum amount of $30,000.00, the $18.00 per annum will go into the general fund. Expenditure of the Funds shall be controlled by a majority vote of the Executive Board and shall be expended to (1) hire a law firm on retainer for the Branch and (2) fund two thirds of legal costs up to a maximum of $3000.00 per claim of a dues paying member after such claim is recommended by the Legal committee and approved by the majority of the Executive Board. If the claimant is reimbursed for his/her legal costs, the Branch Legal Fund is to be reimbursed.
Section 3. The general fund shall be used to subsidize appointed or elected delegates to NAPS Conventions, Seminars, Legislative conferences or other functions as decided by the members of Branch #463 and voted upon at a general meeting.
Section 1. The officers of this organization shall consist of a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Legislative Representative. These officers shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section 1. Only members whose dues are fully paid and have attended at least two (2) or 50% of the four (4) general meetings per year shall be eligible for nomination to office. Only members who have attended at least two (2) or 50% of the four (4) general meetings per year shall be eligible to hold office. Only members attending at least two (2) or 50% of the four (4) general meetings per year shall be eligible to attend National Conventions or other functions as a paid delegate from Branch #463.
Section 2. Nominations of officers of Branch #463 shall be made at the regular meeting in June during even number years by a nominating committee. Further nominations may be made from the floor at this meeting. Those being nominated must be present at the September meeting or submit to the nominating committee prior to the September meeting a letter of desire to run for the office. The nominating committee will be appointed by the President in March.
Section 3. The terms of offices shall be two years, beginning on odd years, or until their successors have been duly elected and installed. Installation of officers shall be in December at the regular meeting.
Section 4. Election of contested offices shall be by secret ballot. Ballots shall be prepared and mailed out by the Secretary and Treasurer following the nominations to all members of Branch #463.
Section 5. An election committee of three or more members shall be appointed by the President. The election committee will count the ballets at the September meeting.
Section 6. The results of the election committee report shall be announced immediately on being presented to the President at the September meeting.
Section 7. If there be no opposition for any office or delegate, the Secretary shall cast one vote to elect the candidate or delegate. The ballets will destroyed after the election results have be verified.
Section 8. All records, files, minutes of past meetings including financial records will be turned over to the newly elected board by installation date.
Section 1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Branch; shall call special meetings when ordered to do so according to the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws; appoint all committees, decide all question of order (subject to Roberts Rules of Order and appeal from the Branch), enforce the laws and rules of the Branch, and perform such other duties as may pertain to his/her office.
Section 2. Vice-President: The First Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President on the absence of the President and shall subject to the instruction of the President be responsible for the program of the Branch meetings. In the absence of the First Vice-President, his/her duties will be assumed by the Second Vice-President who will be otherwise responsible for membership in the Branch, particularly the enlistment and introduction of new members and also Chairperson of the Grievance Committee.
Section 3. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of this Branch, conduct its correspondence, notify prospective members of their eligibility for membership.
Section 4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect and record all dues and assessments levied by the Branch, issuing receipts therefore and keeping a record of all funds received and paid. He/She shall be custodian of all funds of the Branch and shall disburse the same as directed by the Branch or by the Executive Board according to this Constitution. He/She shall notify members who may become arrears in their dues and announce at the Branch meetings the names of those suspended for non-payment of dues.
Section 5. The Executive Board shall be empowered to authorize payments of those expenses necessary for the operation of Branch #463 provided receipts are obtained for such expenses. All other expenses must be approved by the members of Branch #463 at a general meeting.
The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any meeting of the Branch provided that all members have been notified in writing that such amendments are to be considered.
1. Roll call of Officers.
2. Reading of minutes of last meeting and Treasurer’s report.
3. Report of Officers and Committees.
4. Introduction of New Members.
5. Communication, bills and actions thereon.
6. Unfinished business.
7. New business.
8. Good of the Association or Branch.
9. Adjournment.
The regular meetings of Branch #463 shall be held upon notice of the Secretary in March, June, September and December of each year. The Executive Board may for sufficient cause change the time and place of the next meeting, BUT MUST NOTIFY MEMBERS IN SUFFICIENT TIME. The President is required to call a special meeting upon the request of ten members in good standing or by vote of the Branch at a previous meeting. The Secretary shall notify the members of such meeting in time to so they may attend. If possible, at least two weeks notice shall be given.
Roberts Rules of Order shall be observed in all meetings of this Branch except as herein provided.
A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President at the March meeting.
An Auditing Committee, appointed by the President shall make a report of the financial activities of the Branch after the last meeting of the year and at such other time as may be prescribed.
A Resolution Committee appointed by the President shall prepare suggested resolutions for the action of the Branch sufficiently in advance of each convention to permit approval of action to be taken and submission to the convention by prescribed time.
The President shall appoint a Legal Committee consisting of one member from the Executive Board and two members from the Branch. Claims that have been submitted in writing to the President will be given to the Legal committee and they will have seven days to review the case and make a recommendation to the Executive Board concerning funding of the claim by the Legal Fund.
The President may appoint such other Committees as may be deemed advisable.
The By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any meeting of this Branch provided that all members have been notified in writing that such amendments are to be considered.